Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Cancer Wakeup Call - This is why I do it

Why I do it
Years ago I christened myself ‘Boots and all Beryl’ because that’s how I’ve lived my life. Many of the experiences of my life have landed me in positions where I felt I had no choice, plunged into situations I’d never have chosen. I now realise that, even  in those situations, I did jump into them boots and all. Boots and all into hanging on, making the best of a bad deal. That too has its value - and now I can see that everything I do relies on the experience and insights I’ve gathered during those times, because every day it helps me understand what others are going through when they're in trouble.
      How blessed I am that, alongside these trials and traumas I was apparently also born with a gift for creativity. 

'Another Life' ceremonies
All my experiences now flow into what I offer others, whether in my books and presentations, or for the special ceremonies I create. 
      Recently I created one of my 'signature' Another Life Ceremonies for a mother and son separated by adoption many years ago.They spoke of their losses, and now their gains in knowing one another. They made plans for keeping their loving friendship moving along more easily now they'd 'vented' their feelings. I loved being able to put all the necessary elements together to gift them with this special ceremony for the individuals they are.
        I see patterns in the ‘shape’ of each ceremony, as we work together on creating something useful that the participants love. Something to help in moving forward with strength, transcending all the old patterns that need to be put aside.
        I love my clients as I love life. You are the reason I get up in the morning.
        I’ve been designing and running these trade marked ‘Another Life’ Ceremonies since 1993, for people who had separated, divorced, or had a loved one die.

 Ceremonies for people who've 'walked through the flame' of cancer
My own experience with cancer became the catalyst for my beginning a new design, for people who have been faced with their own ‘life defining moment’. And now I'm looking for people with the right kind of experience to learn how to present these ceremonies in other places.There's only one of me, and so many who need this help. You can see more about the design behind these ceremonies on my website

 Happy days in Dallas 
I've just returned from delivering two 75 minute workshops for health professionals in Dallas, Texas. I really stirred up these doctors - and others in positions of power in the health system - giving them lots to think about. Getting them to mentally put themselves in the position of their patient and asking them what memories and emotions this exercise stirs up for them is a pretty risky exercise for me. But, Hey, they followed along and joined me in some learning.

      That's one of the ways my experiences - and my expertise as a wordsmith - make me more useful to everyone else who's ever experienced illness or disaster.

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